08 August, 2009

Turning a New Page

For those that know me well enough, the following is no real surprise: I skated through my school years doing as little work as possible. Do I regret that fact? Kinda. Is there anything I can do about it now? No.

Assigned reading was hands down, always my least favorite. I would rent the movie, read the Cliff's Notes, look for recaps online; anything to not have to read a book. What always left me scratching my head was how so many of my classmates were actually enjoying these books. Recently I have found myself thinking that maybe I really missed out on some good stuff.

Today I started something that I hope to carry out for sometime forward. While at B&N with Bri's family, I bought myself a book. It's a classic that I was supposed to have read my sophomore year in high school. The book is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I want to start catching up on some of the good things I think I may have missed. I'm going to build myself a little list of some American literary classics, and slowly work my way through them. Each time I complete one, I will VOLUNTARILY do a little book report on this blog stating my thoughts on it (my mom just passed out).

Here are just some of the books on my list so far:
-Great Gatsby, Lord of the Flies, Catcher in the Rye, Grapes of Wrath, Old Man and the Sea, Adventures of Huck Finn, Farewell to Arms, The Audacity of Hope (hahaha I kid, my mother-in-law just passed out)

This is just a small sample of some I want to read. But what do you think? Any I should add to the list? Let me know.


On a separate note. Tomorrow morning I start volunteering with the jr. high group at church and am really looking forward to it. Bri and I have been attending Mission Community Church in Gilbert for a little while now and are going to start getting involved. I'm going to work with the youth group and Bri has tryouts for the worship arts ministry later this week.

Flex those golden pipes girl!!!


  1. Old man and the sea???? Really, brett? It's like 75 pages. I've read an SI for longer than that book. Ha ha. Try War and Peace you wimp. :) I'm glad you're reading though. Good luck tomorrow. I really love working with high school ministry at church. I'm sure those JR high kids will love you.

  2. Get "War and Peace" out of my life! What did that take you... like three months??? I would have read it had Tolstoy stuck with the original title, "War, What is it Good For?".

  3. The only book you will ever need to read:

    "The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution" by Thomas Woods Jr


  4. we'll be there... that's my RSVP

  5. Uncle Tom's Cabin, any book that starts a war is probably worth reading.

  6. that's not how the Gulf War started... geeze, nice Bear Creek education.

  7. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books ever, along with Catcher in the Rye.

  8. A Hundred Years of Solitude, it is not a classic, but it is amazing none the less. Do as I say.
